
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

DCLM Daily Manna, Wednesday May 27, 2015 by Pastor Kumuyi – Leaders of Tomorrow

Topic: Leaders of Tomorrow [Wednesday May 27, 2015]

Text: Luke 18:15-17
Key Verse: “But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16).
Child training begins as soon as the baby is born. Psychologists say that a child’s mind is like a board (tabula rasa) where all manner of things fall on. Even at that tender age, a child hears but may not communicate. It matters what is fed into it at that age. The mistake many parents make is that they think it is too early to begin to teach the child the right values. Even believers think it is too early to teach the child how to pray and worship God.

In our text today, the disciples of Jesus wanted to prevent children from being brought to Him because in their own thinking, Christ was only for adults. This faulty thinking is still being held by many people today. Many parents and even governments of the day pay lip-service to protecting the interest of the child. This is evident in the poor provisions they make for child development in society.

Today, parents expose their children to herbalists and all forms of secret cults. They encourage the sinful habits of those children by over-indulging them. Governments of the day tend to direct them to things that appeal to the flesh as against those things that promote righteousness and sanity. These are manifested through the kind of curricular that are run in schools and the antichrist nature of policies in the educational system.

Sadly, some Christian parents, right from day one when the child is born, do not make any plan for him. We now see children of believing parents joining cult groups and involving themselves in all manner of anti-social behaviours because of poor upbringing. Today, as the world marks the  The Bible annual Children’s Day, believers must remember the future leaders in prayer and earnestly pray that God should give us children with the fear of God in their heart.

Bible in One Year: Amos 6-9

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