
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

5 Abusive Remarks You Should Never Use For Your Woman

Most of the men we have in the society these days are abusive; they are men who have little or no regard for women. They treat women anyhow and pay little or no attention to them.

A couple of things like fame, money and ego could spin a man into action and cause him to be abusive. Irrespective of the level of anger, there are certain abusive words a man should never use for a woman. A lot of relationships disintegrate into the abusive relationships we often hear about as a result of the words exchanged during heated arguments.

In truth, there are certain words you should never use for a woman you claim to be in love with. It is actually not fair to use some words on women at all; they should be respected and treated right in the society. Using these abusive words for them not only lowers their self-esteem, it brews contempt and makes them want to get back at the men too. Most women are vindictive and would always want to lash out back at the men.

Find below some of the words you should never use on a woman:

1. You are a nobody, I picked you up from the gutter
A lot of men say this to their partners and make them feel belittled; there are some intricate details of a relationship that should never be known by a third party.

Couples are meant to support each other and raise one another when they are low. It is not healthy for a man to recount how much he has spent on a woman he claims to love by rubbing it in her face this way.

Remarks like this often make women feel worthless; over time, the love and respect they have for you would reduce and would be replaced by resentment.

2. You are totally worthless
This is a very heavy one; nobody would feel good upon being told this. This means you have zeroed your mind about that woman and you have concluded that nothing good could come out of her. No matter how frustrated you feel, you should never utter this kind of statement out to a woman.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated and loved; there are ways of expressing your concerns without necessarily putting her down and making her depressed at the same time.

3. You are as lose as a dog
Oh no, this is not a nice remark. Comparing a woman you love to a dog is the height; there are men who pick up prostitutes from the streets and marry them. They treat these women right and do not deny them the joy of being wives.

Considering this, one would find it shocking to see respectable women being ridiculed by their spouses when they have misunderstandings. No matter how angry you are, some remarks should never leave the shores of your mouth when you are addressing your woman.

4. There are better women out there…
What exactly do you want to achieve by saying this to your wife or the woman you love? Is this your way of fueling a fight or adding sparks to an argument? And to what means is that? Things would imply get uglier if you keep using derogatory remarks when addressing your woman.

Women are known to be poised for utterances like this. If they are not trying to hit you back with words, then they would try hard to frustrate you by showing you there are men who appreciate them too.

Who is this hassle going to help at the long run? Your relationship would suffer for this lack of caution.

5. I can feed your entire family, your parents are nobodies
Every woman wants to get that respect that she deserves in a relationship or marriage. While you may be financially buoyant, you do not need to disrespect your woman’s family just because you support them.

Most poor people have dignity and do not like being insulted when people help them through a phase. That woman you call your partner would stop loving you if you keep abusing and ridiculing her family.

If you value your relationship, then steer clear of these abusive remarks.

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